Join Us for a Pay What You Can Workshop Series
to Explore Inner and Collective Liberation
Register and receive a free gift

[Image: Flocks of birds taking off from a misty wetland at dawn. Text: "Coming in January: Building Your Capacity for Healing. Photo: Stock for you on Shutterstock."]
Register and receive:
Our free newsletter, including updates about this and other classes
A free guide: “Do Less to Invite More Ease: Ways to Nurture a Reflex for Centering”
Healing and Liberation
Healing is fundamentally freeing.
The more we allow ourselves to experience inner healing, the more space and curiosity we can offer ourselves and those around us. This, in turn, allows for more healing.
This workshop is a space for you to nurture grounding, clarity, and curiosity which naturally help us create a kinder and more mutually supportive world.
Part 1: Tools for Inner Liberation
January 8
Class 1: What is Your Yes, No, Maybe, Something Else? Internal Signals and Boundaries
Class 2: Making Friends with Yourself
January 22
Class 3: Embodying Spaciousness
Class 4: Where There's a Will, There's a Won't: Unwinding Ideas of Force
Part 2: Tools for Social Liberation
February 5
Class 5: Emotional Freedom Technique for Getting Comfortable with Gender and Pronouns
Class 6: Healthy Autistic Boundaries
February 19
Class 7: Advocating for Yourself As a Marginalized Person with Therapists and Providers
Class 8: Empowered Aging: For Current and Future Elders

[Image: Purple wildflowers and grasses with seedheads illuminated by sunlight. Photo: LUM3N on Pixabay.]
All classes are on Saturdays from 12-4 Eastern/9-1 Pacific. Sessions will be recorded if you cannot attend live.
Go to the Registration Page for class descriptions.
Closed captioning, transcripts, and Padlet options are available. Please let us know about your other access needs.

Moriah Williams is a white genderqueer autistic writer and somatic practitioner. They offer education and private sessions to support people in deepening their connection with their self-healing capacities and their reflexes for care and empowerment. Moriah works with body, mind, spirit, nature, and society as layers of self. They practice Ortho-Bionomy®*, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Technique. They are a NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM®)-Informed Practitioner and have an Embodied Social Justice Certificate. They have led workshops and classes for TruHap Positive Psychology Center, (Un)occupy Albuquerque and Kalpulli Izkalli's Medicine for the People, Multicultural Efforts to end Sexual Assault (MESA), The Alternatives Conference, and they have been a panelist for Southwestern College's Disability, Bias, and Access panel.
[Image: Photo of Moriah, a white genderqueer autistic person, smiling at the camera in front of a stucco wall. The tail of Pumpkin T. Monkeypants, an orange tabby, is photobombing the picture from Moriah's lap.]
* Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.
Register and receive:
Our free newsletter, including updates about this and other classes
A free guide: “Do Less to Invite More Ease: Ways to Nurture a Reflex for Centering”
Pay what you can rates
This class is pay what you can to increase accessibility. If you can pay market rates, we encourage you to do so. Please pay what feels like an investment in yourself and an investment in the class at a rate that feels affordable to you. Whatever you can pay, we are happy to have you.
When you choose your payment amount, you will receive a link and schedule information. You will receive a reminder email with the link the week before, the day before, and the day of the class.
There will be an opportunity after the class to pay more if you feel you benefited and would like to pay more.
No one turned away. Please contact us if you would like to register and cannot pay.
If this series interests you, we would be grateful if you share this class with others.

Image: Seven engaged-looking sparrows perched on a branch. Photo by Nataba on Canva.