These are 90-minute workshops which I can offer for your organization or group. All classes and demos are currently offered over Zoom.
Introduction to Ortho-Bionomy®* Demo
Healing from Being Silenced/Feeling Witnessed
This is a sample of some longer trainings. Visit our
Fall 2021 Series page for this upcoming class.
Tools for Sustainable Activism
Changing Your Relationship to Sugar
[Image: Two fox kits crouched on a sandy rise staring intently down into the grass. The background is grassy and out of focus. Photo by Jim Stutzman, USFWS.]
​These classes are designed to be an introduction to practices you can continue to explore and deepen your relationship with on your own. You will receive a detailed handout of all of the exercises for reference.
Please come as fragrance-free as possible to maximize accessibility. Let me know if you have other access needs.
Classes are by donation. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Class Descriptions

[Image: Frollicking baby elephant. At least I think you call it frollicking when you run with your tail sticking up and your ears flapping. Photo by Four Oaks on Shutterstock.]
Listening to Your Body
Playful somatic and perceptual explorations for listening to your body's signals
Mainstream culture discourages having a healthy relationship with our bodies.
Our bodies are where our pain is, and they are also where our power is. Listening to what is there is key to accessing our freedom, joy, and aliveness.
Being able to discern what your body is telling you is also crucial for making decisions in the healing process, either during self-care or with a practitioner, and for feeling empowered in your life.
Join us in a gentle group setting to explore your body's signals and feel more comfortable identifying and tending to your needs.

​[Image: A toddler in an aspen grove holding the stem of a salsify floof and looking at it lovingly. Photo: Nazca Warren]
Engaging Your Intuition
Listening to the inner life of all things
The briefest description of spirituality for me is the belief that everything is sentient and trying to behave accordingly. There is great responsibility in this view, and great magic in it. We become aware that we are surrounded by beings who ask for our mindfulness, who offer us great help and insight.
How do you listen? It's easier than you think, and you already know how. Building on the skills from the listening to your body class, we will practice finding the place within ourselves for hearing stories from our bodies and from other living beings. We will also do an Emotional Freedom Technique exercise for trusting our inner knowing.
Talking with spirit guides is beyond the scope of this evening, but the same basic skill set applies whether we are talking with spirits or with stones, plants, and shoulders.

[Image: A sand dollar in dark, micaceous beach sand with very shallow water pooling around it beside a ripple of sea foam. Photo: Linnaea Mallette on Public Domain Pictures.]
Introduction to Ortho-Bionomy® Demo
Bodywork and self-care to engage your innate ability to heal
OB works with your body's reflexes, both physical and energetic, to support you in feeling comfort and ease. People seek this work for pain, posture, increased range of motion, and quicker recovery from injuries. OB can also be helpful with increasing your sense of safety and choice in your body and your relationships. Sessions are fully clothed and take place on a massage table, or seated or standing.
This intro will include a discussion of OB principles, an intro to a self-care tool for working with your joints, a hands-on demonstration of table work, and an exploration for working with the principles of Ortho-Bionomy regarding an issue in your life.

[Image: Two hyacinth macaws sitting together. One is spreading their wings and doing fancy chest feather things, which the other is admiring.]
Healing from Being Silenced/Feeling Witnessed
An introduction to using Emotional Freedom Technique to unwind internalized silencing
In this workshop we will explore the potential of EFT for looking at our experiences of being silenced and marginalized, and identifying and shifting our feelings and beliefs about ourselves and the world that we have absorbed from these frameworks.
This is not a class on how oppression will go away if we dtop believing in it; this is a practice in which we can communicate to ourselves that we are not obliged to do the work of hurtful structures by carrying them in our bodies and repeating their messages to ourselves. We need the feeling of being understood, and we need that room for healing ourselves and our communities.
We will also explore possible ways that we can witness others more fully.

[Image: Silhouette of hands forming a heart shape against yellow, orange, and purple light. Photo by jooin.com]
Self-care for Social Justice
Caring for yourself for the work that deeply moves you
This is an abridged version of the Tools for Sustainable Activism class, designed for activists and nonprofit organizations. It focuses on quick coping tools, strategies for grounding, clarity, and boundaries, ways to move energy through, and practices for replenishment.
The class can be tailored to emphasize your specific group's needs. We can also schedule a single section of any of the Tools for Sustainable Activism evenings.

[Image: Drawing of all manner of colorful butterflies taking off from greenery. From: desktopbackground.org]
Tools for Sustainable Activism
Would you like to learn practices for taking care of ourselves and each other while we work to bring healing to the world?
Structural and personal issues are intertwined. Structural inequality affects the resources we have access to, and how much it costs to be ourselves in the world. Our personal injuries affect how we view what structural problems mean about us, and they limit how we view possibilities for structural change. More often than not, our personal injuries are also structural in origin.
So what power do we have that is outside of oppressive structures, greater than our relational wounds? This is a collaborative class which focuses on letting go internalized messages and beliefs from anyone who is not interested in our liberation. We will practice nurturing and listening to our bodies and our inner wisdom, so we have more room to see and honor each other and shift away from the destructive patterns we have inherited. With this increased clarity we can develop new responses to challenges and free up our energy to connect with each other and build the kind of world where everyone is cared for.
What tools we will use in the class:
-body-based explorations
-Emotional Freedom Technique
-shifting our perceptions to a more empowered view
-a bit of yummy poetry to work with our feels
This class can be helpful if you'd like to:
-have long-term energy for social change
-learn practices to let go of carrying stress of politics and oppression in your body
-deepen your capacity for bearing witness without feeling overwhelmed
-increase your emotional clarity for more resourced and responsible activism
-feel more connected to yourself and your community
Class Curriculum
Part I:
Reducing overwhelm, tools for self-soothing
Releasing fear and recognizing resources
Releasing resistance and envisioning solutions
Caring for our bodies for sustainable activism
Less is more: the value of not pushing the river
Tending our grief - tending our love
Healing from silencing - finding our voices
Special Saturday workshop: Resourcing from nature
Part II:
Self-trust and empowerment
Working with anger for healing and mobilization
Self-regard in a shame-based society
Enlarging our capacity for bearing witness
Kindness and accountability in community
Navigating confrontation
Special Saturday workshop: Resourcing from nature
Drop-ins are welcome, but the class is cumulative and in the interest of holding a strong container, we recommend that you come to all the classes or as many as you can. If you are unable to attend in person you can participate via video chat. Please come as fragrance-free as possible to maximize accessibility. Let me know if you have other access needs.
Suggested donation: $20/class or $15/class if you register for a whole unit. There is an additional three-hour Saturday workshop in each session on Resourcing from Nature which is a suggested donation of $25-$30. No one is turned away for lack of funds.
All ongoing classes with the exception of the Resourcing from Nature workshop will be held at:
411 St. Michael's Dr., Santa Fe

[Image: Upside down bee curled around yellow flowers. The bee's fur is shiny.]
Changing Your Relationship with Sugar
Emotional Freedom Technique and somatic explorations for folks who want to eat less sugar, stop eating sugar, or develop a more mindful, friendlier relationship with sugar.

[Image: A green dragonfly on clustered pink flowers with wings that are iridescent with light. Photo: lotokoto on Pixabay.]
Tapping to Open to Your Intuition
I find that many people want to deepen their relationship with their intuition and their guides, but their biggest blocks to doing so are self-doubt, an insufficient feeling of trust and safety, or overwhelm about how to connect. This course is a good precursor to working with consciously meeting your guides.
* Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.