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Mending the Web


Delight in Healing and Liberation

Private Sessions ~ Education ~ Self-Care and Community Care

We all have an innate capacity

for healing ourselves

and the world around us.

We can trust ourselves to live

in alignment with our hearts.

The world needs our creative power.

[Image: A white dove spreading their wings in a clear blue sky with the text, "FREE CONGO, FREE SUDAN, FREE HAITI, FREE PALESTINE"]

doe glacier national park.jpg

[Image: Silhouette of a doe treading ankle-deep through the waters of Bowman Lake in Glacier National Park at dawn. The horizon is ringed with blue mountains. Photo: Kevin LeFevre]

Together we explore the innate wisdom of your patterns and difficulties to learn what those patterns are trying to communicate or achieve.


We work collaboratively with a variety of tools to meet you where you are in any given moment:

  • inquiry

  • self-care

  • energy work

  • somatic practices

As we explore your experience you may:


  • Reclaim your energy and aliveness

  • Make friends with yourself

  • Trust your power

  • Experience spaciousness

  • Deepen your ability to listen

  • Advocate for yourself and others more clearly 

  • Reconnect with your intuition and sense of magic

  • Feel comfort and ease in your body, life, and relationships 

Our healing opens doors for those around us, those who came before us, and those who come after us.

Check out our new gallery page to see more memes

or follow us on social media - links in footer.

Click for image descriptions and further thoughts.
[Image: Gold badge labeled "MEMBER." Click on badge to view NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM®) Practitioner Directory listing.]
* Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.
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